See how long it will take you to get to college. Please select the campus of the course you wish to study.
This course is for students who want an opportunity to spend a day getting to know the sewing machine and learning how to use it more effectively. This course is suitable for those without previous experience or people with limited skills that they want to improve. It would also be beneficial to people who have a sewing machine that they don't know how to use. This is an excellent one day course to do if you are thinking of doing the Clothes-making course or the Award in Pattern Cutting (you will progress faster).
This one day course will support students to become familiar with the sewing machine.
By the end of the course students will be able to:
- Name the parts of a sewing machine
- Wind a bobbin and thread the sewing machine
- Select needles and threads suitable for different fabric types
- Identifying basic foot attachments and know how to use them
- Demonstrate how to sew basic seams and finishes used in garment construction
Learning will be facilitated by individual guidance and support from the tutor as well as peer centred learning. Skills and knowledge will be learned initially through visual demonstrations and verbal descriptions then students will work independently with one to one tutor advice and assistance. This will be supported by hand-outs. Students will be encouraged to comment about each other's work (peer centred learning).
Your progress is monitored by tutor feedback and end of course self-assessment. Individual advice is always available and verbal feedback, support and encouragement is given to you throughout the course.
- Questions and answers during group discussions and one-to-one teaching.
- Practical work produced is evidence of learning.
- At the end of the course we will review and assess the work.
So that you are fully prepared you will need to bring the following materials / equipment to the first class:
Pencils and pen
Small pieces of fabric for sampling
Fabric shears
Sewing thread
Small sharp pointed scissors
Stitch ripper or quick-unpick
Fine steel pins
Metric tape measure
Tailors chalk
This course could lead to other sewing and textile courses at the Mary Ward Centre or another further education college. The student could take a follow up short course or a longer term or year long course. It could also inspire self-initiated projects.
There is detailed information in Reception about all our courses at the Mary Ward Centre and a library of prospectuses for other London colleges to help you continue your studies. If you need more detailed advice, please ask your tutor.
Information about other learning opportunities can be obtained from Learn Direct: tel: 0800 101 901, and from the following websites:;
Spend a day getting to know the sewing machine and how to use it more effectively. Once you have completed this course you can sign up to one of our longer sewing courses to develop your skills.
If you would like enrol at the concession rate, please request and complete your enrolment by contacting: or calling 020 7269 6000 Mon-Fri
If you make your own clothes but struggle a little with new techniques, or maybe you just need to refresh what you already know then the Master Class series is for you.
For more information contact at
See how long it will take you to get to college. Please select the campus of the course you wish to study.