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L3 Counselling Skills

For those who have completed an approved level 2 course or its equivalent. The course includes theory, practical skills, personal development work, a compulsory weekend component and a minimum attendance requirement of 80%. The course is validated by ABC, and meets the entry requirements for the Diploma in Counselling.
Entry is by written application and group and individual interview. Application forms are available in May. Interviews take place in July and September.

Right click the links to download files: APPLICATION FORM BROCHURE

  • Who is it for?

    For those who have completed an approved level 2 course (at least 30 hours formal training) or its equivalent and wish to expand their use and understanding of these skills in their work, paid or voluntary. If there is doubt about the equivalence please contact one of the tutors. GCSE (grade A-C) or 'O' Level English Language, or equivalent.

    The course includes theory, practical skills, personal development work, a weekend component (for which attendance is essential) and an overall minimum attendance requirement of 80%. Validated by ABC, it is one of the entry requirements for the Diploma in Counselling. Entry is by written application and interview; application forms are available on our website and from the Centre and are to be received by 1st July or 1st September. Interviews take place in July and September. Course fee includes registration with the exam board. Student Loan available.

    Additional dates for daytime course: 07 & 08 Mar
    Additional dates for evening course: 26 Nov, 04 Feb, 10 & 11 Mar, 17 Jun

  • What does it cover?

    Skills: Recap on basic listening skills. New skills: challenging, process monitoring, giving and receiving feedback, advanced accurate empathy, how to use questions, making a counselling contract and the use of immediacy.
    Theory includes the main concepts of humanistic, psychodynamic and CBT therapy, plus professional practice and diversity in counselling.
    Personal Development: Students will be in a weekly personal development group.

    1. Demonstrate an increased awareness of yourself and how you affect others. 2. Have thought about issues of difference and disadvantage and your own responses to these issues. 3. Have developed or strengthened your commitment to anti-oppresive practice in the use of counselling skills. 4. Name and use appropriately, the skills introduced on the course. 5. Have an understanding of and commitment to the BACP ethical framework.

  • What will it be like?

    Tutor and student presentations, class discussion in large and small groups. Structured pair-work, role-plays and practicums. An experiential group, facilitated by the tutor.
    The first 8 weeks of this course is a period of assessment to consider whether this course is appropriate for each student. At the end of the 8 week period there will be a tutorial to discuss the student's progress and continuation on the course.

    Ongoing tutor and peer feedback about skills work. Self assessment in class and reflections in learning journal.

    Tutor to discuss formal assessments

  • What else do I need to buy or do?

    Some basic counselling texts. Writing materials for class notes and notebooks for keeping a journal.
    Private study and reflection.

  • What could it lead to?

    Enhanced use of listening skills in your life and relationships in general.
    Apply for a place on the Diploma course at the Mary Ward Centre or elsewhere if you wish to train as a counsellor.
    Please note: progression onto the Diploma in Integrative Counselling is not automatic

Available Courses

L3 Counselling Skills

For those who have completed an approved level 2 course or its equivalent. The course includes theory, practical skills, personal development work, a compulsory weekend component and a minimum attendance requirement of 80%. The course is validated by ABC, and meets the entry requirements for the Diploma in Counselling.
Entry is by written application and group and individual interview. Application forms are available in May. Interviews take place in July and September.

Right click the links to download files: APPLICATION FORM BROCHURE

07 November 2024 – 17 July 2025
Thursday, 18:00 to 22:00
Course Code:508L
£2225 / £2225
30 Meetings
High Street, Stratford
07 November 2024 – 17 July 2025
Thursday, 18:00 to 22:00
Course Code:507L
£2225 / £2225
30 Meetings
High Street, Stratford
07 November 2024 – 17 July 2025
Thursday, 10:00 to 15:30
Course Code:506L
£2225 / £2225
30 Meetings
High Street, Stratford
07 November 2024 – 17 July 2025
Thursday, 10:00 to 15:30
Course Code:505L
£2225 / £2225
30 Meetings
High Street, Stratford

Can't see what you want?

Counselling Level 4 - 2024 - 2026

A challenging two-year course qualifying you to practise as a counsellor in an agency. Drawing on Clarksons five-strand model of the therapeutic relationship, the course integrates humanistic, analytic and transpersonal perspectives. Students will be expected to gain 70 hours of personal counselling and to begin a counselling placement. It is possible to pay the fee in instalments. Entry onto the course is by interview, and you must already have a minimum of 180 hours formal counselling training or the equivalent.

The next course will start in September 2023. Please contact the department to ask for an application pack, available from May. The fees stated are for the entire two-year course. It is possible to pay the fee in instalments.

Right click the links to download files: APPLICATION FORM BROCHURE FAQS

24 September 2024 – 15 July 2025
Tuesday, 10:00 to 17:15
Course Code:510L
£3400 / £2225
36 Meetings
High Street, Stratford
View Course
27 September 2024 – 18 July 2025
Friday, 10:00 to 17:15
Course Code:509L
£3475 / £2335
36 Meetings
High Street, Stratford
View Course

Intro To Counselling

Learn the basic methods and practices of counselling; the skills which form the basis of the counselling relationship, for use in personal or community situations. The course carries a Certificate of Attendance. Entrance by special application form available in May. Interviews take place in July and September.

Right click the links to download files: APPLICATION FORM BROCHURE

26 September 2024 – 31 October 2024
Thursday, 10:00 to 15:30
Course Code:502
£258 / £90
6 Meetings
High Street, Stratford
View Course
26 September 2024 – 31 October 2024
Thursday, 18:00 to 22:00
Course Code:503
£258 / £90
6 Meetings
High Street, Stratford
View Course
26 September 2024 – 31 October 2024
Thursday, 18:00 to 22:00
Course Code:504
£258 / £90
6 Meetings
High Street, Stratford
View Course
26 September 2024 – 31 October 2024
Thursday, 10:00 to 15:30
Course Code:501
£258 / £90
6 Meetings
High Street, Stratford
View Course

Counselling Bazaar

A general introduction to different schools of counselling, for example, Psychodynamic, Humanistic and Person-Centred. This course is designed for those with a broad interest in the subject, and for those considering having counselling or becoming a counsellor. It is not part of formal counselling training.

30 April 2025 – 04 June 2025
Wednesday, 18:30 to 20:45
Course Code:512CS
£104 / £36
6 Meetings
High Street, Stratford
View Course

Meet The Tutor

For more information contact hum@marywardcentre.ac.uk at admin@marywardcentre.ac.uk

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