Other Services

Help with your learning

At Mary Ward, equality and diversity is central to the creation of a fair organisation where everybody can take part and fulfil their potential free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. It is about advancing equality of opportunity to all.  Diversity is about respecting, valuing and celebrating all people as individuals.  It is also about fostering good relations among diverse groups of people.

We see it as our job to provide assistance in any way we can.  If you have any special requirements you think we can help you with please ask.  If you experience any difficulty with your learning, tell your tutor so that we can make adjustments and assist you as best we can.  There is step-free access to classrooms in both buildings.

You can also contact Paula Suen at any time, on 020 7269 , paula.suen@marywardcentre.ac.uk.  It is best to contact Paula before you start a course so that we can make things ready for you in advance.

If you need information in a more accessible format, we can do larger type, Braille, audio, digital, or another language.  Just ask.

Link to the policy